Letter from The Marquess of Winchester to King Charles 1st 1642 Most Gracious Sovueraigne Since by commande your Majastyes forces at Basingstoke are drawing off, and the enemy now lying within lesse ten miles of this place, I conceave this Castle to be in apparent danger and cannot be long kept without some assistance from your ma(jes)tyes army; for from this county no reliefe is to be expected it standing for want of your presence and some authority to commande it devided in itself. Ifthis howse be anawayse considerable for your ma(jes)ties service and advantage, be pleased to take it into your consideration and protection least I be necessitated to leave it to the will of the enmy. I reserve more perticulars to the relation of this bearer in case your ma(jes)ty will couchsafe to speake with him. My duty and affection to your ma(jes)tyes servic occassions this address from: Your Ma(jes)tyes most faithfull and Loyall Subject, Winchester’ Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share